Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fantastic integrated TAC Campaign

TAC (Transport Accident Commission)  is as well known in Victoria as Coke and Nike. Everybody is aware of their shock tactics and emotional ads to lower the road toll.

Their latest campaign 'The Ripple Effect' takes this personal message one step further.

The website, has a feature that when given permission uses the viewers profile information and creates a graphic of the ripple effect of all your friends that will be effected when you speed. It also makes it really easy to share the message by posting a link on the users friends wall.

Screen capture from TAC campaign
Do you find that this type of campaign is too invasive or to confronting? I personally found it extremely confronting to see loved ones mentioned on the list.

Perhaps a downsize is that many people on Facebook that aren't really their friends, and the intensity of the message gets diluted?

Let me know what you think?

1 comment:

  1. From what I think, the campaign didn't reveal any tragical sense but all tears.
    Concer about tears adults people do, not young people.
    If the ads was on FB, the comments are likely to be is "Okay, whatever you say bro"
    Personally the recent campaign doesnt impress me.
    Great Post, keep up the good work.
