Wednesday, November 17, 2010

VB's marketing imitates Taco Bell

VB's latest marketing ploy of vowing to shout Australia a free  375ml can of VB if Australia wins the ashes, reminds me of the famous Taco Bell ambient advertising campaign

Taco Bell offered free taco's to all of America if the MIR when re-entering Earth lands on  a sheet in the South Pacific Ocean. 

This campaign was practically free for Taco Bell and had many in America chanting Taco, Taco, Taco.

This campaign was amplified and gain millions of Dollars in free PR for the company.

This campaign is likely to find favour amongst the Australian public, and cleverly links an iconic Australian beer, with an iconic sporting event.

Will this end up costing VB more than they bargained for, or do they like Taco Bell think the chances of winning the Ashes are unlikely as the MIR landing on a sheet in the middle of the pacific ocean. 

Would love to hear what you think about this campaign.

Is VB being too cleaver for their own good? 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What the F**K is social media: One Year Later

Product Placement in Australian Television

"...They've used the Telstra T-Box that's a great move as they are the way of the future"

Flicking through various television shows I found my self watching Channel 9's program "The Block", a reality television shows that has four teams of two renovating an apartment to go up for auction, the winning team the apartment that sells for the most money.

The presenter together will a real estate expert was inspecting the apartment, only for one of them to remark that, "...They've used the Telstra T-Box that's a great move as they are the way of the future"

I then proceed to make a bet that during the next commercial break the Telstra-Tbox will be advertised and sure enough I was correct. The show was sponsored by the Telstra -Tbox!

This is a prime example of product placement done badly, I almost felt insulted by channel 9.

Channel 9 took the realm of product placement one step further as they "sold" it to the television audience via testimonial from a real estate agent. Testimonials are only ever effective when the audience believes who they are listening to, this is usually why normal  testimonial television commercials usually use industry experts or celebrities to sell their product. However, by interweaving product placement with testimonial account whilst at the same time overtly sponsoring the show, Telstra loses all credibility, as does the agent, as well as channel 9 and its television show.

As we have seen time and time again the consumer is too savvy for such attempts of trickery, this is clearly an ineffective way of marketing a new product!

Friday, October 15, 2010

The marketing mix and the future of digital marketing

The world is progressing and advancing at a supersonic rate, what in 1990 seemed only possible in Hollywood, is today seen as archaic.

Today new technology is being adopted in a matter of months, as opposed to the many years it used to take.

This image clearly illustrates just how long it many technologies took to reach critical mass. There is a clear trend the more recent the product was invented the quicker it is to be adopted.

Social media networks like Twitter, Youtube and Facebook, are accessed and used every day by hundreds of millions of users world wide.

However, more on more of these technologies are being integrated on the mobile phone, this is part of the theory of convergence which basic premise is that all technologies will eventually merge into one.

This means that users will have access 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and as mobile internet and wireless  capabilities there will soon be no limit to where the user can be!

There is no doubt that technology is advancing but what are the effects on the marketing mix in the world of retail?

The four P's is one of the most famous marketing principles. Developed in the 1960's its message is still relevant for any marketer today.

Let us look at each of the four P's individually: 

Price:  The power of search is rapidly changing the way we make purchasing decisions, if is see a pair of Nike runners in a shoe shop instead of paying the offered retail price I can search the model online and view what the going price is I can quickly check if the deal I am being offered is competitive. Furthermore, price compare websites list a range of retailers and the price being offered by each retailer. The internet is advancing and technologies are already being developed that all one needs to do is take a picture of a product or even the barcode and list of stockist will become available.

It is clear that with the ease of information and portable information that is being offered, price is becoming increasingly more relevant and important.

Place: the old real estate catch phrase location, location, location whilst may be important for residential houses is it really that important for retailers.

The answer is currently it is still a very important part of business, however, this importance is changing.

Online shopping is becoming increasingly more relevant to the consumer and increasingly more popular, was at its current stage it is not the highest priority of the Australian market it is growing (please see digital life for more information). Online shopping is taking away the relevance for even having a shop, although the bricks and clicks model (i.e having both a virtual/online shop and a retailer such as Coles and is still important there are many retailers that only operate online.

Furthermore, with technologies being developed that you can scan and use your finger print to sign for goods purchased on the internet using your iphone, the point of sale is no longer limited to the position of the shop it is everywhere. (Please see The Age for more information).

So what is the role of position in the modern era? The role of search, Google Adwords and other paid search functions are becoming increasingly more important for businesses to cut through the clutter. Search Engine Optimisation is an increasingly important and demanded trade, as to be on that first page of a Google search is the number one aspiration of any business with a website.

This leads us into promotion:

Advertising is playing an ever growing significant part of our lives however, as the amount of advertising that as consumers we are exposed to increases so to our likelihood to actually hear the message decreases. Business and companies are trying harder and harder to break through the clutter, with Integrated Marketing Campaigns (IMC) set up to target the user at as many touch points as possible. Marketers are trying harder and harder to reach the consumer. So much so, that privacy laws are being forced into legislation on a regular basis . Laws such as the "Do not call registry" are set up to protect the privacy of the general public. 

Online advertising is shaking up the traditional advertising format with reports that online advertising is growing at over 28% (please see businessweek for more information.) However, paid advertising is less relevant when compared to the power of social media marketing. (please see my previous post for more information).

So that leaves us with product:

Whilst, we can not make any general comments on the different products in different industries what is clear that any business must offer a product that information on it can be found online, and if possible integration with technologies is highly recommended. "Branded Apps" is just one area that brands can use to integrate their product  with the users dynamic and technologically advancing life.

Take the branded Mazda app

The you cruise MX-5 app allows users to take the car for a virtual test drive in a gaming format

To conclude, it is unclear where the future is heading however, what is clear that a critical success factor for all businesses is going to be the ability to stay relevant and in-touch with the rapid growth of technology. After all we are all marketing in a new era. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yahoo paid search advertises with Google Adwords

Advertisement seen on Blogger

What does this say about Yahoo's brand that they are advertising their version of Google Adwords on Google??

Is this a smart paid search marketing strategy? I personally find it some what ironic and strange but that's just me what do you think?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The effects of 'web 2.0' on business

Web 2.0 is a buzz term that highlights the way in which the internet is now understood and absorbed. Formally Web 1.0 was all about receiving content that is a company, individual or group would place information on the web and a consumer or user would access that information it was a one way process. However, with web 2.0 suddenly the internet and the www is far more dynamic as users are able to communicate with each other as well as will other companies. Social media networks is a prime example of how web 2.0 works as users can share links, publish content and even respond and write to each other in either a formal or informal manner.

This has many positive ramifications for companies as well as some negative ones.

Firstly, the positive: Companies can now truly understand what consumers are looking for out of their brands, what elements of the product work and what elements need changing. This can allow them to tailor are product that best suits the user. Furthermore,  as 'Web 2.0' is dynamic, it allows companies to not only tailor the product to suit the masses, but tailor the product to suit the individual. Take YouTube for example; YouTube automatically stores a record of clips and videos that you have watched and compiles a list of recommendations, the same can be said for online book stores such as Amazon which can suggest to you other books in the product category or other products users have chosen.

Many other online shopping stores, and even blogs are using this form of personal recommendations to drive sales. 

Moreover, this concept of targeting the individual extends to the long tail theory, this theory highlights how online stores can tailor their product not only to benefit the majority but also a minority of users. For example netflix, or itunes can store a far greater selection of movies online then it would be possible for a  store of bricks and mortar to stock. This means that movies that normally appeal to a very small niche of the customer base can be sold and even stocked as with the internet it becomes viable. The same can be said for online clothing shops as the internet is their shop-front the can keep far more stock in wear-houses without a smaller need to run stock clearances. 

Despite this abundance of positives there are some negatives that come along with user generated content.

Due to the nature of the user generated content, the overall content is out of the hands of the companies. Word of mouth and the freedom of speech the internet allows dictates that companies cannot control all that is said about  them. 

PR disasters run wild as the gain momentum through the voices of the many users of the internet and social media

A prime example of this is how the BP oil disaster was highlighted on Twitter.  

A Twitter user created a satirical BP twitter account this account became extremely popular during the high of the BP oil spill disaster earlier this year and reached far more followers then the real BP did. Many people experienced the company almost uniquely through the eyes of this satirical BP twitter.

a quick look at the Twitter accounts stats indicate just how popular it is:

What’s more users can share negative PR and publicity like the Greenpeace campaign to put pressure on nestle to stop using Palm oil in the kitkat and look for an environmentally friendly alternative. 

This Greenpeace youtube led to the Nestle fan page being flooded with negative publicity!

The effect of this campaign is clear with Nestle bowing to the pressure of Greenpeace and changing the way they Nestle makes the confectionary.

This is clearly the way Web 2.0 is clearly the way the web is meant to work!

If your a business make sure its working for you and not against you!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Ambient Advertising and its role in the digital world

A popular idea in the advertising world is the notion of a fully integrated marketing campaign (IMC). The essential idea behind this is that no communication should exist on its own. That is to say that an advertisement should not only appear on television or in a newspaper but it should be communicated over several different mediums. This is the best way to generate maximum exposure for a campaign and hopefully generate more sales. 

More and More are we seeing traditional forms of media interacting online and other non-traditional mediums. We will now explore how an non traditional ambient campaign can be its most effective when it interacts with an social media campaign and user generated content.  

Firstly, let us understand what ambient advertising is, ambient advertising is a relatively new form of advertising that uses non-traditional means to communicate a brand, product or even an idea. 

Ambient advertising is often mistakenly referred to as guerilla marketing or ambush marketing, this is a misconception, as one of the key differences is the lack of human interaction.  Wehleit (2003), a marketing academic highlights this notion  claiming that,  “ambient advertising exists in non-traditional media formats without direct interaction.” 

Ambient advertising interacts with the external environment that is not used for advertising in a traditional sense.  for example, coaster, petrol pumps, even the back seats of taxi's can become avenues for brands to communicate with the public. However, if this form of advertising becomes mainstream it loses its ability to be strictly classified as 'ambient'. 

Below is an example of how the 'Quit' foundations highlights its message of smoking causes blindness. 

As we know a major part of using digital media involves the use of social media and user generated content. 

The connection between social media and ambient advertising is highly relevant as the success or failure of an ambient campaign can be determined by measuring the digital success of the advertisement in terms of online 'Buzz.'   

If the ambient campaign is highly creative users are likely to either video, or photograph the advertisement and share it on  social media networks or even write a blog about it. This enables the advertisement to reach far more people, as the advertisement is viewed not only by people passing in the street but potentially an entire world. 

Whilst to some extent companies are able to post pictures of their campaign on the internet, like any other form of advertising it is its most effective when it is striking and highly creative. 

For more information on ambient advertising please feel free to read Jono and my blog on ambient advertising @

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Twitter's finally introducing advertisements

For quite a while the internet and social media world has debated and contemplated how Twitter will start making money.

Ideas such as Free-mium  service (having some features free and others that you have to pay for, similar to the way Linkedin works.)

The other idea was advertising. Twitter has chosen this path.

Brand United has just announced that "Promoted Tweets" can be purchased from Twitter highlighting that brands like "Sky, Sony and Vodafone are in negotiations to become the first brands to use Twitter's ad platform when it launches in the UK next year. " (Brand Republic September 28)

Whilst for many this has been a long time coming it remains yet to be seen, how users with interact with the promoted tweets and just how effective they will be.

I personally think this yet one more advertising gimmick that we get lost in the now deafening sound advertising online is making...

Will Twitter succeed in this 'Promoted Tweets'  the best way to go about doing it?--let me know your thoughts

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Twibbons get commercial

Twibbons: One of the latest crazes on Facebook and Twitter allow users to attach a ribbon onto their profile pictures.

Often they support a cause, a sporting team, political party or ones denomination.

Sutter Home an America wine company have tried to capitalise on this idea by introducing their own special breast cancer 'twibbon'. Saying for every person who uses the 'Twibbon' they will donate 1$ to the breast cancer foundation. 

The Twibbon looks like this 

Taken from Sutter Home micro site:

This is clearly a branding exercise as they are trying to get their image out there as much as possible. Its also interesting who would use this product as many of the users who would be attracted to Facebook fashions are likely to be over a younger demographic and the wine product would not be relevant. 

Nonetheless, it is a good example of how they are partnering themselves with a charity in order to create positive brand associations.

I added the 'Twibbon' to my twitter account just to see how it works and it automatically creates a Tweet to spread the word.

For more information please see

As always let me know what you think. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

Coca Cola's latest viral advertisment

This is the UK version

Coca Cola is know for its great viral advertisements over the years. The latest the happiness machine is no difference. I think this is one of the most creative viral advertisements out there. It clearly reinforces Coca-Cola's positive image and reinforces coca-cola's previous TVC campaigns. 

A fantastic advertisement.  

This is the original happiness machine video that aired during the super-bowl 

Let me know what you think- 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Social media gives voice to protesters

Whilst, this is an old new story I feel its message is still very much so relevant.

Recently I posted about hate groups on the internet, and how the internet gives voice to many that are not deserving of one. I feel it is appropriate to follow it up with a discussion on how the internet is giving a voice to those that do not have one.

June 2009 was the month of the Iranian elections, an election that many believed to be corrupted by the current Ahmadinejad government. As a result violent protests occurred and any one that opposed the government was arrested.

Enter Social media networks: To get heard and to highlight their cause to the rest of the world the protesters moved from the streets to the computers and Twitter and Facebook became news portals to the rest of the world.

News sites around the world set up webpages highlighting the protesters Tweets and forwarding their message to the world.

For more articles please see:

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hate Promotion on the internet

The French Revolution and the enlightenment created ideas of Liberty, Freedom and Justice for all. Democratic governments are giving people a voice to be heard.

However, the internet is giving a voice to those that should not have one!

This Wednesday is the Jewish new yeah (רוש השנה) (Rosh Hashanah) so I thought about talking about the most loved talked about Jewish topic-anti-Semitism!

As many of you know I am Jewish, and as a Jew I pay attention to anti-semitism on the internet.

As you can imagine I am outraged with the ability that groups once condemned by society, ostracised with their extreme views, are finding a voice to network and more importantly are able to promote themselves and their message to the wider population.

A recent Facebook event "Kill a Jew Day" was able to exist for enough time to create a serious impact, and whilst Facebook did do the right thing and remove the event, the haters achieved their  goal of getting the publicity they desired.

Whilst, there has been a group created on Facebook to speak out against the disgusting event,  a simple search on Google reveals thousands of websites, blogs, and commentary, and whilst many speak out against such hate others promote the hate message.

The Jerusalem Post is just one place to read the full the story.

For the majority of people social media networks are a great place to stay in touch with the long lost relative, or that friend you met on a camp, or holiday, or even work colleges, many contacts that in a world without the internet would not exist.

So apart from wanting to highlight this issue, I wanted to ask a few questions as well.

Most agree that the internet is a great place to promote anything, whether it be a business, an event, or even an individual websites such as Google, Youtube, Ebay, Linkedin, Facebook, or just a website.

However, with the freedom of information comes this danger of hate groups, and while society and technology races forward we a left with a feeling that society is going just as quickly in the wrong direction to the dark ages.

Facebook to its credit quickly removed the event, however, anti-Semitic website such as Jewwatch are free* to spread their message, in fact Google in the past has been criticized that with a search of the word Jew prominent anti-Semitic websites rank highly on an organic search so much so that google was forced to defend itself.

However, Google has taken steps to remove this problem however, due to the rate such websites are created it is still possible for them to get through.

The problem is not just limited to the Jewish people in fact most minorities face this problem.

Racism is a fact of life, whilst, it is illegal in many countries including Australia, under the Racial Discrimination Act. It still very much so exists. The internet is probably the best medium for  racist messages to spread...and I can't see a way to really stop it other than vigilantes  and watch dog groups surfing the net and flagging the offending sites.

Is this the only solution of can you think of others?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ping: music's latest social media network

If Ping takes off MySpace is dead writes technology news website Mashable, and BBC Technology and hosts of others.

Ping is apart of the latest version of Itunes which when downloaded allows for users to follow their friends find out what they are listing to and find out what their favourite artists are up to. Jobs describes is "Facebook meets twitter meets Itunes"

This new social media platform is just one more step Apple is taking to become the technological leader of the modern era.

If Steve Jobs' Tweet is proved right some of the major players have a lot to look out for.


"I want to put a Ping in the universe."
Do you think that Ping will bring about the end of MySpace? 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fantastic integrated TAC Campaign

TAC (Transport Accident Commission)  is as well known in Victoria as Coke and Nike. Everybody is aware of their shock tactics and emotional ads to lower the road toll.

Their latest campaign 'The Ripple Effect' takes this personal message one step further.

The website, has a feature that when given permission uses the viewers profile information and creates a graphic of the ripple effect of all your friends that will be effected when you speed. It also makes it really easy to share the message by posting a link on the users friends wall.

Screen capture from TAC campaign
Do you find that this type of campaign is too invasive or to confronting? I personally found it extremely confronting to see loved ones mentioned on the list.

Perhaps a downsize is that many people on Facebook that aren't really their friends, and the intensity of the message gets diluted?

Let me know what you think?

Marketing and Physics can science really teach us marketing?

What do you think of this video? Do we really have less control over brands because of the internet? Is what Dan Cobley saying accurate should we embrace the "democratic nature" of the internet because it brings brands closer to the people?

Moreover, can one bad week really undermine a brand? Is Tiger Woods really not a good brand ambassador because of his personal actions? Whilst, initially some brands may have left him, many  sponsors stuck with him, a decision that has probably been the correct one as the scandal blows over.

Can it be that the stronger the brand the more resilient it is to scandal?

Let me know what you think?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Viral Ads...What's the point?

Today we had a class discussion looking at the Levi's ad "Guy walks across America" 

The general consensus of the room was that its a really cleaver ad, demonstrating how marketing and communication today is moving away from a push marketing approach, (that is the company or seller directly tells you information and why you should buy the product, and is now about engaging the audience is a subtle branding exercise that allows the audience to sub-concisely associate themselves with the person and the ideals of the advertisement. 

However, I disagree with this pretence, this ad is to subtle, and not enough people watching make the association that this is promoting jeans, or even consider that jeans is an important element of the ad. 

If we look at the general discussion on the actual Youtube page we can see that whilst some people make the association with Jeans,  "this would be a good levi's commercial", "i dont know why, but i really really want to buy some levis" "BEST. LEVIS. COMMERCIAL. EVER" are just some of the few times Levi's is even mentioned in the comments. Most of the discussion is around, who is the music by, and a completely inane discussion on why if the title says America,  when the guy didn't walk through South America and Canada. 

Now it is clear that Levi's did not want this to be seen as an ad in the normal sense of the word, and I am sure the comment  "This would make a good levi's commercial"  is the exact sentiment they would be looking for, it is not the norm, and even if you say its the majority, would it not be equally as effective if they had more branding at the end. 

Furthermore, whilst the video is engaging many people may not watch until end missing the pocket zoom  at the end in any case. 

If we look at the Olympus Pen Story ad we can see a video that also went viral with over 2.8 million views employed the same technique just made the branding at the end far more clear and less subtle. 

Are you less likely to watch  or  share the Olympus ad because its more clearly an ad?

I personally am not, I am equally happy to view the ad based on the creativity of the production, it does not bother me that one is and ad and the other a subtle product placement, if anything, I am more upset at Levi's for trying to promote to me something on such a subconscious level.

The production of both ads in terms of time and money is clearly extensive if I was a company I simply would not take the risk. But, that's just me...

What do you think? 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Facebook is no longer just virtual...

I came across this blog by Dvir Reznik it shows a case study of the "Real Life Like Button" Please see the blog for the actual story of this devise (or see the embedded video below).

 In short- the system was developed by an Israeli firm e-dologic (Hebrew) and it allows the virtual world of Facebook into the real world.

The devise was used on a summer program called Coca-Cola village which is essentially a 5 day fun filled camp full or activities intended on encouraging real life social interaction. With the "Real Life Like Button"  Teenagers at the camp are a able to post activities that they enjoyed doing directly to their Facebook wall.

It is clear companies are utilizing Facebook more and more, and it is especially useful to tap into younger demographics.

However, have coca-cola gone to far this time? Is Facebook so much a part of our lives that  even when we are away we have post and comment about things?

What's more when is it going to end, is every single tourist attraction going to have one of these boxes?

I actually can see it being very useful at a theme park. With every ride is a box and it can film them or post a prerecorded film of the given ride to the persons Facebook page. This would be a very effective means of promoting the theme park.

What do you think of the idea and do you see it more applications of it in everyday life?

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Australian election and social media networks

Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube are clearly some of the most visited websites in the world, and indeed Australia, all of which can be, as previously discussed a unique way to tap into new demographics. Youtube can allow video's to be emailed, posted, 'digged' by all that view them creating a viral buzz.

Today many marketers realise this potential including our politicians, so with just over a week until the election I thought I would take this opportunity to look at what our politicians are doing in the social media networking world.

This is a look at what Labor is doing. The official ad with other 100,000 views in just a few days has been removed due to copyright infringements, so I will be making sure this link actually works.

The Liberals have been following up on their successful Kevin O'Lemon campaign with a take on Julia's new party.

This ad despite being on the internet since the start of August has only had around 45,000 views.

  • Which ad do you think is the most successful?
  • Should the either party change their message?
  • Can they be accused of a lack of creativity?
  • Is this the best tactic in the election?

Would love to start a debate on this one!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Facebook Selling

This blog is in reply to Digital Chateau's blog on 'Ebay or Facebook buying'.

The blog talkes of a designer on Facebook selling their creations via facebook. "a lady who made one of a kind, beautiful, custom dresses. She then actions some of the bits and pieces off on her Facebook, using a commenting system to bid. I have never seen this before and it seems such a smart thing to do."

I found this a really interesting concept. I feel on a whole it represents where Facebook is moving to. Many people check their Facebook on a very regular basis. I know some of my friends use Facebook to replace their 'usual' email. Facebook is clearly no longer just about sharing photo's and updating friends about a great movie they saw, its about the transfer of news, personal and business promotion.

If Facebook can take over email why can't it take over websites aswell. Already we can see that some 'Risk taking' companies use a URL adress to link straight to a Facebook page. Take for example the Boost mobile "textaholics campagin" links straight to

If you have any more examples post them here.

As for using Facebook to buy actual items, I don't really like it, I personally think its going a bit far...but if Facebook can work out a way to do it in a more secure manner then I'd be all for it. Facebook is slowly developing into a onestop Portal this is both convientant and clever.

How do you feel about everyone seeing what you are bidding for on Facebook?


Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Easy A" Social media marketing

Hoyts, Chadstone 31/07/10

Hi all, so last night I went to the movies with my friends, and I came across this ad, I thought it was a great way to try and generate buzz via social media networks.

The sign encourages fans to upload photo's of themselves with the star of the movie to Facebook or twitter,

To see how it has works check out their facebook page!/EasyAMovie?v=photos

Friday, July 30, 2010

Post 1- WoRld of Mouth, the internet and ethics

So lets talk e-marketing! What is it all about and what's the point. 

But first lets go  back a step... is there any point in marketing. Does anyone care that a company tells you to buy the product? 

after all marketing is just selling people S**T that they don't need right?? 

I hate this look at marketing...but thats just me. People need stuff and marketing is just a great way to facilitate the communication. 

That being said, if i asked you who do you believe more a company telling you they have a miracle product, or your friend has said he/she just used a miracle product who are your more likely to believe?

I think most of us would pick the friend everyday of the week. It is for this reason E-marketing is so damn important. 

in latter posts i will talk about a personal experience i had having to promote a small business, so stay tuned for that. 

WOM, Word of Mouth or as its now sometimes refereed to as World of Mouth. As the internet is becoming the new world...and the internet allows someone to talk about any product at any time!

When you want to find out about a product, you open up Google and search, you can post a question to yahoo answers or check out what people are saying on Facebook and Twitter. 

If your a company to not be a part of this..well that is just crazy.

Many companies now days have a Facebook page for their business. This is a great place for customers to leave product reviews, and discuss new products, where to buy and overall it allows companies to get a good understanding of their consumer base. 

My question is what happens when companies take advantage of this medium and use it to manipulate customers. 

Recently, I purchased some perfume for my girlfriend (now fiance) from an online shopping website. I searched for the perfume (CK Euphoria) on price compare websites. I found this one company which sold the perfume for about $50 I jumped at this offer as in other places I had seen it retailed for up to $100. I ordered the product, and was impressed with their speedy delivery process. 

They then sent me an email saying  join our Facebook page and if we get over 5000 fans then we will give a $50 voucher to all fans.  No terms of conditions, other than one small post saying details will follow. This was a great success with over 5000 people joining in just a few days many of who suggested to their friends on Facebook to join. I too having had a recent positive experience joined this page. However, once the terms of conditions came out it became clear it was a scam. The $50 voucher was split into $5 and $10 vouchers and did not include shipping costs. Needless to say the outrage was palpable.

below is a sample of just a few comments as taken from the companies Facebook page
Perhaps ShoppingSquare needs to understand a little more about social networks...
55 minutes ago · Flag

Its also basically saying that you have to make 3 orders to get the $20 credit. 
You also required to spend a minimum of $20 to get the $20 credit.
As well as paying shipping for 3 different items.
55 minutes ago · Flag

You people are lame, if you don't like the deal, then don't buy anything. I use shopping square to buy things... not to read stupid shit.
52 minutes ago · Flag

Fail marketing... This has just lost customers, trying to trick people is not the way to go. Wording was misleading and announcing T&C after people had signed up... Sigh
49 minutes ago · Flag

40 minutes ago · Flag

@Rachel. No need for sarcasm, and if you want my vouchers you're welcome to them
35 minutes ago · Fla
On non-promo items I can get cheaper elsewhere w/o the stupid voucher. Funny how online shops can have fanboys defending them tho. Or can they 

The last comment which I have highlighted brings me to my main point about WOM. The internet is a great place to get your voice out to the world. However, it is all too easy to create fake usernames and passwords, and fake email addresses and log into Facebook, Twitter or even websites like and post reviews and disguise yourself as an actual user of the product-when in fact you are the owner or an employee of the company.

Whilst, there are mechanisms in place to prevent this. 

it is often very easy to pick a fake. For example if you click on a profile of someone you suspect being fake, there are many tell tale signs. For example, often the person has little or no activity on their wall, yet they comment actively only on one companies fan page, they have few or no friends and have a generic or no facebook profile picture. 

This can have major negative effects and also undermines many of the major benefits of the internet.

Marketers have to stay clear of these temptations. Genuine WOM  cannot and should not be artificially created. it is unethical..but whats more has the ability to seriously damage the entire industry.

If anyone has any good examples or any comments whether or not they think its ethical please comment bellow. 


Post-0 What is marketing in a new era??

Hi world,

This is my first blog post ever, I am really excited about getting the ball rolling. I am a business student majoring in marketing, AKA business improvements @ Monash University Melbourne.

I am currently doing an Internship in Swat>Marketing, a Market Research firm part of the STW group, feel free to Google them

So what is this all about???

The purpose of this blog is to share my personal experiences in the e-marketing world, but I will include some traditional marketing experiences as well!

Feel free to comment or even start discussions. I will be updating regularly so stay posted.

I am still working on a catchy ending but until then.

Stay Connected
