The general consensus of the room was that its a really cleaver ad, demonstrating how marketing and communication today is moving away from a push marketing approach, (that is the company or seller directly tells you information and why you should buy the product, and is now about engaging the audience is a subtle branding exercise that allows the audience to sub-concisely associate themselves with the person and the ideals of the advertisement.
However, I disagree with this pretence, this ad is to subtle, and not enough people watching make the association that this is promoting jeans, or even consider that jeans is an important element of the ad.
If we look at the general discussion on the actual Youtube page we can see that whilst some people make the association with Jeans, "this would be a good levi's commercial", "i dont know why, but i really really want to buy some levis" "BEST. LEVIS. COMMERCIAL. EVER" are just some of the few times Levi's is even mentioned in the comments. Most of the discussion is around, who is the music by, and a completely inane discussion on why if the title says America, when the guy didn't walk through South America and Canada.
Now it is clear that Levi's did not want this to be seen as an ad in the normal sense of the word, and I am sure the comment "This would make a good levi's commercial" is the exact sentiment they would be looking for, it is not the norm, and even if you say its the majority, would it not be equally as effective if they had more branding at the end.
Furthermore, whilst the video is engaging many people may not watch until end missing the pocket zoom at the end in any case.
If we look at the Olympus Pen Story ad we can see a video that also went viral with over 2.8 million views employed the same technique just made the branding at the end far more clear and less subtle.
Are you less likely to watch or share the Olympus ad because its more clearly an ad?
I personally am not, I am equally happy to view the ad based on the creativity of the production, it does not bother me that one is and ad and the other a subtle product placement, if anything, I am more upset at Levi's for trying to promote to me something on such a subconscious level.
The production of both ads in terms of time and money is clearly extensive if I was a company I simply would not take the risk. But, that's just me...
The production of both ads in terms of time and money is clearly extensive if I was a company I simply would not take the risk. But, that's just me...
What do you think?